The importance library
Library is a place where we can use for looking many books about everything, and we can borrow it or just read there.Some books from our school are not enough for this moment,because science is more progress. Some subjects are divided into many groups like, social language, science, and the others.
In library we can find more information which we need for our knowledge,homework,distribute our hobby or fill the leisure time.
1.I think,library is comfortable for looking or reading some books because in the library the situation is more silent than at another places .If we read at the class or home, certainly we will be disturbed by some noise like some friends who are chatting with the other friends in the class
2. In the library, there are complete books about every thing that we don’t have at home.Moreover,there are an internet facility in a library.We can just to note an important information about the book that we read without need to buy it.
3. Library is place which there are many collection of books that can we read at home because,we can borrow some books with definite time limit.So, we can read any time or anywhere that we want and more unlimited.But, we must return the books that we borrow from the library,if we don’t return them we will be fined for this.
4.In the Library we can got a lot of knowledge.Although the knowledge that we read is not important for this moment,but it can use for our knowledge when we as a lecture or for our future.
That’s all!
About ~Me

- Imanda Citra Adyanti
- I will be good towards you if you were good towards me guys..... I'm that kind of person.... For me everything is about give and take.. this is me, Veniola Forestryani
Saturday, February 28, 2009
the important library
Diposkan oleh Imanda Citra Adyanti di 3:47 AM 0 komentar
Label: knowledge....
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Stay Quite When the lesson is going on.
When the lesson begin, our class never miss from this word, that is ''crowded'' , every student have been done something that could make the class looked crowded, like, having a joke, playing, chatting, cheating, and so on. Maybe, we be influence by our environtment, like our close friend. Maybe, in our opinion, our chat can be decrease our beban, yaitu membuat kita dapat mengutarakan perasaan saat sedang mengikuti salah satu mata pelajaran yang tidak kita sukai, seperti"eh,is, ni pelajaran gak nguati bnget, belum selesai ngejelasin, eh udah suruh ngerjain soal", jika teman yang kita ajak bicara itu sependapat dengan keluhan kamu, maka kamu n teman kamu akan membicarakannya lebih mendetail lagi, nah itu salah satu faktor yang membuat kelas kita terasa gaduh, karena bukan hanya kita yang melakukan hal seperti itu, namun mungkin hampir seluruh siswa yang ada dikelas,
Tapi, kadang-kadang kita dapat mengendalikan nafsu kita untuk berbicara karena guru yang sedang mengajar bisa dikatakan "galak", namun kita merasa tersiksa dengan keadaan yang ada karena kita merasa takut+boring+tegang sama guru yang sedang ada di hadapan kita.
YAh, walaupun aku belum nemu solusinya! Berusaha aja deh untuk menyenangi semua mata pelajaran yang ada, dengan begitu, kita mungkin akan mendapatkan sedikit semangat ntuk mencoba menikmati saat pelajaran yang tdk disukai berlangsung! hehe........
Diposkan oleh Imanda Citra Adyanti di 4:48 AM 0 komentar
Label: PrObLeM...
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